Congratulations on your new client! Here's how to set them up for attribution on Podscribe in 3 simple steps.
- Create logins for them.
- Send them tracking information.
- Troubleshoot and QA the setup together.
Create a login for the advertiser:
You can create logins for your clients with the correct permissions by visiting the Advertiser Logins
tab (available for some publishers)

- Selecting Simple Overview will let the account see the Overview tab only. The Overview tab will not include the Frequency and Usage tables.
- Selecting Simple Campaigns will let an account see Simple Overview and the By Campaign tab but without any placement and delivery flags.
- Selecting Airchecks lets the account see airchecks. There are no modifications or restrictions to it.

Most select Simple Campaigns and Airchecks when creating logins for brands. You can always change the account’s level of permission later on.
Send them a Tracking Pixel and Guide:
This step depends on the type of event the brand want to track and the type of store they have. If they’re a Shopify app for example, they should install our app in two clicks. If they’re a non-Shopify website, they would install JavaScript Tags. If they want to track app events, they would use an MMP like Appsflyer. Here’s our setup guide for MMPs.
Regardless of the type of set up, you would send them the link to the guide that applies to their situation from above. It’s also helpful to know how to generate the pixel page that contains their User ID and advertiser id, available here:

To pull your custom web tags from your dashboard:
- Hover over the Tag Setup tab on the left-hand side of the page and click on Generate New Tag:

- Type in the name of the advertiser you need tags for. If there are multiple results, pick the one that seems most legitimate. Usually, the right advertiser has a logo and the simplest name:

Feel free to email if there are multiple advertisers that should be merged or of an advertiser needs a logo.
- Copy the Guide Link generated and paste it in an email to the advertiser’s developers:

Here’s an example web tag guide.
Troubleshoot and QA Together
How do you know when the campaigns are ready to go? Once:
- You're getting events in the Tag Debug tab
- The daily event counts are accurate, give or take 20%.
- The order details coming in are accurate (hashed emails, order ids, etc).
Ensuring that your setup is correct from the start is pivotal for reliable attribution. Attribution can only be reliable if the events being sent to Podscribe are correct. This is critical to check before campaigns start!
Here’s our full guide to QAing and Troubleshooting the setup. We’d recommend sending this to the brand as well.
Once all of the above is complete, the brand is set for attribution purposes on their end! Don’t forget to set up prefixes and pixels if you haven’t done so already.
Review Results
Brands can look at live results with a login. Users can also export attribution data from their Podscribe dashboards as CSVs - this is how.
Make sure to check out our FAQ page too if you have any questions!