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Research and Discovery FAQ

Research, Planning, Competitive Intel

How is Fill Rate computed?

Fill Rate is based on the ad load in the last 23 episodes released over the past six months. Methodology:

Episode Selection:

  • All episodes without advertising are excluded.
  • Only the last 23 episodes released in the past 6 months are selected.

Episode Sorting:

  • These episodes are sorted by the number of advertising blocks in each.

Selection of the Episode with 100% Advertising Load:

  • The episode that ranks third in terms of the amount of advertising is chosen as the episode representing 100% advertising load.
  • The first two episodes are excluded from consideration, as it is assumed that they might be overloaded with advertising.

Calculation of Advertising Percentage Fill:

  • For each of the remaining episodes, the percentage of advertising relative to the selected episode with 100% advertising load is calculated.

Determining Fill Rate:

  • The fill rate is determined as the average of these percentage shares across all considered episodes.
How do you compute advertiser spend and a showโ€™s sponsor history when DAI ads in the episode vary?

We sample episodes. The system will not catch every insertion or show an advertiser is on, but by sampling enough episodes enough times we eventually detect advertisers and the amounts usually average out.

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