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Sending Your Conversion Events to Podscribe (READ FIRST!)

For Advertisers

Here’s a simplification of how Podscribe does attribution:

  1. The system gets podcast listener IPs.
  1. The system gets customer IPs.
  1. And then it finds the overlap between them - those IPs who downloaded the ad and also purchased. These we consider to be attributed conversions.

Pixels and prefixes give us the IPs of every ad download. They are sent to publishers after campaigns are created on Podscribe and pixels are generated (full guides here). The IPs of purchases are sent to Podscribe via our Shopify App or Javascript tags.

A brand may want to measure installs, not purchases. The same mental model applies. Instead of a Javascript tag, the brand would use an MMP to track installs. Then the system finds the IPs that overlap between those who downloaded the ad and those who installed.

Here’s how to get set up for attribution:

Step 1: Set up brand-side tracking.

  • If your store is hosted on Shopify, click here for setup instructions. Fortunately, setup will be extremely quick and easy.
  • To batch send us events or send events server-to-server, click here.

Step 2: Troubleshoot and QA the setup.

Here’s our guide for this. Attribution can only be reliable if the events being sent to Podscribe are correct. This is critical to check before campaigns start!

Step 3: Review results.

Brands can look at results live with a login (here’s how an agency/publisher would create one for a brand). Users can also export attribution data from their Podscribe dashboards as CSVs - this is how.


Make sure to check out our FAQ page too if you have any questions!

What pages can I use certain event tags?

We recommend placing the “visit” tag on all pages. You can use the “signup”, “lead”, or “purchase” events on any page you’d like. For example, if you wanted to measure how many exposed listeners visited a Sign-up page, you could fire the “signup” event on page view. Then, once they completed the form, you could fire the Lead event, passing us the hashed email

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